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  • Assembling stakeholders to pursue new ventures, and projects, by using foreign direct investment in rebuilding & redeveloping communities.

    SelectGlobal, LLC understands the obstacles and possibilities that come with developing a business globally. That is why we provide exceptional professional counseling and assistance to firms as they navigate the foreign direct investment process and uncover expansion possibilities in global markets. 

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for the foreign SME Business, Local Community or Global Investor is underserved and too small to be noticed in the fragmented market. Small to medium foreign businesses looking to enter the U.S. market are often overlooked by state EDOs and FDI solutions providers. Services are often cobbled together without a single point of contact to manage the entire process nor benefit from strong relationships within the local business, government and capital community.

Small municipalities often do not have the staffing and resources to effectively use FDI as a tool to help them create new jobs and reinforce their business recruitment and retention efforts. One such tool is the U.S. EB-5 Program. 



Imagine if there was a way where one company can provide expert advice and assistance on foreign direct investment helping businesses identify and capitalize on opportunities in global markets.

At the same time supporting local municipalities in attracting and retaining foreign investment as a one tool for revitalizing and re-energizing commercial areas, creating and retaining valuable jobs in the region. This company would have the necessary relationships and experience with business, government, and capital to guide a project throughout the entire investment process. 


SelectGlobal, LLC is a vertically integrated FDI solutions platform providing support to the growth and success of businesses around the world. We provide expert advice and assistance to companies looking to expand into global markets. 

Additionally, SelectGlobal, LLC works in supporting local municipalities in attracting and retaining foreign investment. We believe that by bringing local municipalities, local businesses, global investors, and foreign businesses together, we can accelerate revitalizing and re-energizing commercial areas; as well as creating and retaining valuable jobs in the region.